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That’s a wrap

A great time was had by all on Saturday (possibly slightly too great for a few people!) with this weekend marking the end of the cricket season for us. Saturday also saw First Team Scorer, John Rishton being honoured and appreciated for his service – it was a lovely ceremony which saw club Chairman, Matt Jones, presenting John with a plaque which will take pride of place on the scorebox. It was wonderful to have John’s family down to celebrate with him. It’s been an eventful and at times, frustrating season with many highs and lows but we’d like to thank all our cricketers for choosing to play for us, turning out and doing their very best in every game. Special thanks to the captains, all volunteers who help out with all our cricket of all age groups and to Ian Roberts for documenting things with his brilliant photography. We wish everyone a great off season and we hope you’ll still come and see us over the autumn & winter! A message of thank you from John Rishton Firstly my apologies for the lengthy delay in the reply to a wonderful presentation on the 14th September by all at AoM in naming the score box for my scoring services, and I would like to thank especially James, Dave, Mark and club chairman Matty J and many more within the club for instigating this fabulous award.This nomination came as a massive and emotional surprise and I was overwhelmed with all the love and support from all involved with the cricket club.My wife, family and friends were absolutely amazed at the friendship shown from all at AoM and now my wife can relate to those I talk about, always in high esteem of course, she even said what a lovely bunch of lads and I certainly can’t disagree.I do however wish to thank my wife Rose whom puts up with me leaving her to her own devices every Saturday, she even makes my sandwiches without complaint ( personally I think she’s glad to get the remote control to herself for a change).I’m already looking forward to next season and getting back to winning ways, I can truly say that this year there’s been a confident buzz around the players  even though some results didn’t go in our favour but the morale was always high and that shows what a brilliant club we belong to.I will leave it there now and I hope everyone winters well and hopefully see some of you before the start of next season.Love to allJohn & family

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